Tuesday, 5 June 2012

Royal Flush Havanese Complaints About Switching From The Recommended Dog Food

Switching to another dog food other than that which was recommended by your breeder is one of the biggest Royal Flush Havanese complaints. If you trust your breeder, and you should if you're getting a new family member from them, please trust that they have chosen the best dog food for your new puppy. Royal Flush Havanese really does take their job very seriously and wants to make sure that your puppy has all the best in his life and that starts with great nutrition. Trust that we have read about the recalls, read the ingredients, watched everything about our dogs on different foods and believe we are giving you the best recommendation we can make about what to feed.
When we get a call from a puppy buyer after any amount of time who tells us that their dog is not acting the same, has loose stools, isn't as hungry, has changes in his coat, is suffering from allergies, etc. and they have even taken him to the vet who says everything is fine, the first thing we ask is "Did you change his food?" Overwhelmingly the anser is "yes". PLEASE CHANGE HIS FOOD BACK! The situation resolves itself in almost every case when the food is switched back to the original diet.
We also highly recommend NuVet Vitamins daily for all dogs. Despite an excellent quality diet, we believe these vitamins help keep our dogs in top condition, extremely healthy and we wouldn't miss a day giving them to our havanese puppies or adults.

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